Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What Pistol Should I Buy

I got another call today from someone asking what they should buy and I thought it would make a good article for my friends.

For the past few weeks I’ve been getting all sorts of calls from people asking me which gun they should buy. Some have been wanting one for a while and are motivated by the proposed bans, others have been indifferent on gun politics in the past but all the talk on TV is making them more interested, and others are rethinking their current plan for self and home defense because it seems their plan in the past was to just “not get attacked,” and if they do, then “call the police.” Of course both avoiding attacks and calling the police are needed as a part of any self-defense plan, but what they are realizing is that they need to defend themselves if and when something happens in while they wait for the police to arrive.

Before You Go Gun Shopping

Here are a few things to remember before you go gun shopping.

1) Hold or Shoot It First.
You can ask 10 people what gun to buy and get 10 different suggestions depending on what each person owns, and in the case of a gun store, what gun is actually in stock. Instead of taking that approach, I will instead give you some recommendations on gun types to look at, and will urge you to actually get your hands on one and hold it to see how it feels in your hands.

If you can shoot one before you buy, it will even be better. Some stores that have a range will let you shoot used versions, and friends of yours I’m sure will be glad to take you and let you shoot theirs.

2) This Won't Be Your Last Gun.
When people ask, “should I buy this one or that one,” my answer is usually “yes,” one now and one later. This may be your first gun, but this probably won’t be your last. Once you start shooting, you will want others for very specific purposes. That takes some pressure off trying to get the perfect gun I think.

For many people, a first gun is usually a pistol that will be used in home defense and also possibly concealed carry. I’m using this assumption for my recommendation below.

3) Bigger Guns = Easier to Shoot.
Remember that the bigger the gun, the easier it is to shoot, and vise versa. Many people are drawn to the itty-bitty small guns at a store, and feel that because they are newer shooters, a smaller gun is just fine for them. In actuality, the smaller and lighter a gun, the harder the recoil, the harder it is to hold correctly, and the harder it is to aim due to its shorter sight radius. This is yet another reason why you should shoot something before you buy it. You may find that the gun you like in a store isn’t the gun you like to shoot and therefore carry.

A larger gun is usually better for home defense because it’s so much easier to hold and control, but because of the larger size, it is harder and heavier when it comes to concealment. Therefore I think the perfect medium for someone looking for only buying one gun is to get a medium sized (sometimes called compact) version that you can use in home defense and for carry.

4) Best Gun is One You Have With You.
The best gun is the one you have on you when you need it. You don’t wear your seatbelt only on the days you plan on getting in a wreck, and you don’t keep fire extinguishers around the house because you expect a fire. Rather, both are examples of being prepared when you need it. Having any gun on you when you need it is better than having the theoretical “ideal” gun back at home where it can’t help you.

The best gun is therefore one that you’re likely to keep with you, one that you like to shoot, feels comfortable in your hands, and one that you can shoot well. Keep this in mind when you shop for a pistol. That is why you must not simply take someone’s opinion but rather hold and feel how different guns feel in your hand and if possible, shoot many different kinds first.

5) Caliber Isn’t as Important as Many Think.
Ten years ago you might have made an argument of the stopping power of a .45 ACP over a 9mm or .380, but with today’s ammo the caliber isn’t as important.

In fact studies have shown that what stops an attacker is 2.5 rounds to center mass – regardless of the round. For that reason as well as lower price, lower recoil, and the higher amount of rounds that you can fit in a standard magazine, I am going to recommend a 9mm. Of course for carry, you will want self defense rounds in it and not the full metal jacket cartridges used for practice.

6) Get a Good Holster.
The right holster and carry system is imperative for both safety and for quick retrieval. If you are wearing your gun on your belt inside or outside your pants, you will need the proper holster and gun belt. If you are a woman and carrying the gun in a purse, you will still need a holster specifically for the purse, and I would recommend even a gun-purse as well (a purse specifically for carrying a gun). You don’t want gum and lipstick getting into the trigger and you don’t want to have to dig for it when you need it.

As far as belt holsters go, try Cross Breed Holsters or Alien Gear Holsters because they not only spread out the weight of the gun on your belt, but they hold them in tight, and also allow one-handed holstering, and tuck-able shirts too.

Also a gun belt should be used, which is stiffer and made to spread out the weight of the gun across the entire belt, rather than a normal belt that will sag to the side or pull down your pants. Cross Breed sells great gun belts.

7) Think Safe at Home.
Especially if you have children or others in your home, have a system of safety at home and a place to put your gun when it’s not on you or when you’re asleep. Many people are getting a small gun safe like this one that opens quickly when you need it.

8) Get Training.
You want to know your gun as well as you know your car’s controls. When you drive a car, you don’t have to look down at the gearshift or pedals, and if something bad happens, you react instinctively without thinking about each hand and each control. Similarly, you should feel the same about your gun and that means you need training.

The saying goes, “When the time comes, you won’t rise to the occasion, but rather fall to the lowest level of training.”

For many across the country, carrying concealed is becoming a growing option and some states only make that option available if you jump through a few government hoops first. One hoop is a concealed carry class that some feel is training. It is not. It is simply a worthless government requirement where they remind you to only use a gun to protect life, not stuff.

You should already know that, and you should also get lots of training. The government should not mandate training in order for you to practice your constitutional right to defend yourself, nevertheless, you should get training on your own.

Spending time with an NRA shooting instructor will help you with your grip, stance, holstering, drawing from concealment, and overall technique. Training can also cover mindset, positioning and scenarios as well, and the more you learn, the more you'll want to learn.

Some classes can be expensive, so at the very least or as you save and prepare for a class, I’d recommend this set of DVDs from Magpul as well as all these DVDs from GunTalk.

Types of Pistols to Look At

I recommend to my friends, as a standard go-to gun for both home protection and concealed carry, a striker-fired 9mm semi-auto pistol. That would be like a Glock, Springfield XDm, or Smith and Wesson M&P. There are others and all good brands will offer good guns, but I'd start with these three.

Pistols of the past have traditionally used a hammer to fire the round, which meant that the hand and grip was lower due to the mechanics. A lower grip makes for a higher fulcrum of recoil, meaning it’s harder to control.

The new line of striker-fired semi-auto pistols allows your hand to hold the gun higher for more control, plus they have plenty of internal safeties that make the gun easier to use when you need it. And because many of these use “double-stack” magazines, they also allow you to carry more rounds in your firearm, which is crucial when you need your gun for self defense.

Women Who Will Carry In a Purse

Women who are carrying in a custom gun purse (of course with purse holster as well) may also look at a hammerless snub-nosed revolver because it will allow you to fire and keep firing from within the purse where a semi-auto will jam in that situation.

There is a particular technique to shooting from a purse, so ask about that when you train. But even still, remember that a revolver will hold fewer rounds and will be harder to shoot than a striker-fired semi-auto. Nevertheless, if the purpose is for a purse, the revolver is still the best. Keep the round smaller, like a 38 Special over a .357 magnum to keep it easier to shoot, because a revolver will twist and torque your wrist more.

Customize the Grips

With the newer striker-fired pistols, you can usually change the back-strap to a smaller grip, and most people prefer the smallest option because it gives them more control. Also, if you go with Glock, I’d recommend also getting a Hogue brand rubber over-grip as well.

One of My Favorites

The Springfield XDm 3.8 in 9mm is great, and I really like the compact version because it is exactly the same size as the full-sized version but with a shorter grip. In this way it’ll hold both compact and full size magazines, making it a full-sized gun when you need it at home and a compact gun for carry.

Again, before you buy anything, at least hold if not try them first if possible, and get with a trainer to make sure your technique is safe and the most effective possible.

Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only. I'm not an expert and you really should seek the opinion of an expert. I offer this information freely in hopes of putting you on a bigger path of education and I can’t and don’t take responsibility for how you may use or interpret this information. I offer it in hopes that you will be more prepared and perhaps be able to save your life or a loved one’s. Nevertheless, no one but you can be responsible for how you handle or store a gun. You must always follow all the rules of gun safety at all times, store and clean your gun safely, and get training from a NRA firearms instructor.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Magazine Capacity Myths Debunked

Gun banners say that normal capacity magazines hold too many rounds, and they should be limited. If the normal number for each gun's magazine is wrong, then what's the right number? 29? 28? 15? 10? 5? .....ONE?

The theory according to gun banners, is that reload time during a rampage murder would give un-armed and helpless victims caught in that "gun-free zone" murder spree, a final chance to fight back with their hands and words.

So instead of allowing victims to have the tools to defend themselves, the gun banners instead want to restrict those people even more, in hopes that those restrictions eventually filter down to criminals – criminals who are cowards and particularly prey on the helpless. Remember that rampage murders never attack places or people who are prepared with an armed resistance.

Gun Banners Say the Number Should Be....

Feinstein has picked the low number of 10 to be the number of rounds that's okay, making 11 horribly wrong. New York says 10 and even 8 rounds is too much and it must be 7, California not wanting to be out-done want's to lead the country in gun bans and is looking for an even lower number, but they'll have to outdo New Jersey who says it should be 3. Connecticut though, is saying what the gun banners want to say, that the number should be as close to zero as they can get – they want it to be ONE!

Remember that gun banners don't want you to have any guns and the real number of rounds that they want to restrict you to is actually ZERO! They like registration, they like confiscation, and they like the number zero when it comes to guns and bullets.

They see no need for guns in today's modern age, and want a completely gun free America. One of the gun banner organizers admitted that if given a magic want, not even the police would have guns. Every ban, every restriction is another step closer to their goal of zero.

Magazine Capacity Myth Debunked

No gun ban stops crime and this one is no different. Bans on normal capacity magazines only affect law abiding citizens and not criminals. Why?

Rampage murders tend to be prepared to kill as many people as possible before being stopped with violent force. Because of that, they pick "gun-free zones" for their murder spree, and come prepared with tons of magazines and guns for quick transitions. Bans on capacity does nothing to affect the rampage murder or criminal.

On the other hand, law-abiding citizens who carry concealed weapons don't carry bags full of loaded magazines with them. Therefore, restrictions in capacity only hurts the law-abiding citizen who is left to defend with only rounds allowed in their gun that they're carrying.

Here Sheriff Ken Campbell demonstrates that both experienced and inexperienced shooters can still fire the same number of rounds in a certain amount of time using various sized magazines by simply reloading over and over. They show that there is no time for victims to fight back during a reload, and that banning normal capacity magazines:
(1) does not pass the common sense test,
(2) it does not give un-armed victims a realistic chance to tackle a murderer,
(3) but it does make it harder for civilians to defend themselves against a violent attack.

And here is a great article by Miller for the Washington Times titled, "The High-Capacity Magazine Myth."

What Can You Do?

(1) Send 22 Emails With 2 Clicks

Both Ruger and Smith & Wesson have set up a website where you can send 11 pre-written letters by emails at once to your local and state representatives. Use both sites each week to send letters each week.
(2) Call Your State Reps Weekly

It'll take less than 1 minute per call and the message should be short and clear:
  • "Universal Background Checks are a fancy gun-ban term for total registration and then confiscation."
  • "All gun bans and restrictions have proven to fail to stop crime."
  • "We are watching you very closely on this issue and will send you home if you support any part of these proposed anti-gun bills."
Find your reps here: and save their phone numbers in your phone as Congress 1, 2, and 3 with their names so that they are easy to call. Be friendly and to the point.

(3) Send Personal Emails Too

Even with the automated email links above, I've been sending certain representatives custom written emails. I think it's important to send something that is personally written so that it gets read. You can address certain things they've said both good and bad, and of course remind them that you are strongly motivated, and vote specifically on this one issue of gun rights.

(4) Join the NRA

There is no group better when it comes to access and influence with Congress and gun rights, and numbers of NRA members matter. The media has been trying to demonize and mock the NRA, but membership is growing leaps and bounds.

Be a year member for only about $25 using a discount with this link.

(5) Spread the Word

Spread the word by passing this around to all your friends and encourage them to all do the same thing. We have the facts and the majority of people in our favor. We just need to speak up.

(6) Take Someone Shooting

It’s amazing how taking someone shooting inoculates them against the lies of gun-banners. The more people get into shooting and study self-defense, the more they realize how much they want to prepare to defend themselves, and how much the government gets in their way of doing so.

(7) Read and educate yourself on the subject.
The sources I used above are listed below. Check them out as well as more of my articles right here.

• Conn Lawmaker Pushes for Limits to ONE Round

• Pulitzer Prize winning playwright David Mamet: Why We Have Guns

• Free E-Book of Gun Facts

• Medved: Why Obama Hides Good News on Guns

• Miller: Washington Times: The High Capacity Magazine Myth

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I Support the 2nd Amendment, BUT…

Have you heard people say this? “I support the 2nd Amendment, BUT ______.”

No matter what they say after, it shows that they really don’t support or perhaps understand the 2nd Amendment.

The 2nd Amendment is not about having to jump through tons of hoops, only to be restricted to one gun with one bullet. It’s about being able to keep (meaning to own) and bear (meaning to carry) arms without infringement.

All the data shows that the Founders had it right, that when Americans are more free in their gun rights, crime goes down, and when they are restricted, crime goes up. (see Gun Facts eBook, and John Lott’s book.)

But this phrase, “I support the 2nd Amendment, BUT ______” is how the gun banners appeal to the public to sound as if they understand both sides of the issue, it makes them sound centered in their approach, it’s a way to appeal to uneducated gun owners, and a way to divide gun owners into smaller groups that can be more easily conquered (hunters vs. enthusiasts vs. collectors vs. self defense, etc.).

Sadly more gun owners and politicians have been heard saying this phrase recently, perhaps with the worry that if they don’t, they will offend some of their constituents.

The right thing to say is, “I support the 2nd Amendment, PERIOD!”

Gun Rights ARE Civil Rights

There is a new video commercial you should watch and share to help educate people of that fact, created by the 2nd Amendment Foundation.

The 2nd Amendment Foundation differs from the NRA in that the NRA’s main strength is with Congress who creates gun legislation, where the 2nd Amendment Foundation is made up of lawyers who systematically bring court cases to trial on the issues of gun civil rights, in order to restore lost gun rights from bad legislation, which sometimes takes decades or longer. This is why we must fight now, before bad laws are created.

(A great read on why we have guns in America, Pulitzer Prize winning playwright David Mamet writes this article: Why We Have Guns)

Gun bans never slow crime, new bans won’t either.

Gun banner groups say that the reason past bans have failed is because they didn’t go far enough in stripping Americans of their gun rights, and therefore they want to take new gun bans even further.

These new proposed gun bans are not at all about stopping violence, but instead they are designed to ban and confiscate millions of firearms from law-abiding citizens.

If it were about decreasing violence, and if it were even true that banning inanimate and amoral objects would somehow increase morality and decrease murders, then why not ban those instruments used the most often in murders?

And what are those items used most often? If you were to get your view of the outside world from the media, than you might guess guns. But according to the FBI, people are far more likely to be killed with clubs, hammers and feet, than with guns, particularly the certain rifles and gun parts that banners can most easily demonize in the news.

Obama Has Caused Gun Sales to Soar, & Murders Are Down.

If President Obama really believes that we have a “growing culture of violence” and that guns are to blame, then why didn’t he do anything about guns when he was first elected, when murders were much higher?

In actuality, since he was first elected, gun sales have been through the roof as millions of Americans have taken his threats towards bans seriously. Each new threat has brought more new shooters into the market and has made experienced shooters buy more too. As a result, gun ownership is at an all-time high, and murders and violence keep declining.

In fact, Obama should instead be touting the successful drop in murders and violence since he came into office, but instead he hides good news on guns because it goes against his agenda and narrative that we live in a “growing culture of violence.”

Rampage Murders Are Obviously Politicized

Even rampage murders are down despite the news. Rampage murders are mass murders committed by a coward who wants to commit suicide and decides to do it while killing a lot of innocent people at the same time. They always happen in "gun-free zones" as a way for the coward to finally become infamous, and finally get the attention he seeks so desperately.

The media and politicians like to blame rampage murders on inanimate objects like guns, but the truth is that rampage murders use bombs, blunt objects, and anything else they can find. There was even a rampage murderer who attacked a school on the same day of the Sandy Hook event, but it got no media coverage because the attacker used a knife to stab a class full of petrified 5 year babies. Where was the outcry towards certain makes and models of knives?

There is a particular mind-set of a rampage murderer and the answer is not creating more useless laws banning objects used by millions of good people for self-defense, but rather to deal with the actual problem of broken families, mental illness, and the fact that the media’s undivided attention on such killers feeds future rampage murders.

But still, despite the media’s incessant attention to make infamous the cowards who commit rampage murders, we still have less violence in or society despite having more guns.

"I Support the 2A, BUT Magazine Bans Save Lives." False!

The gun banners keep saying this, and various proposed bills are trying to limit magazine capacity under the guise that the reload time will give the un-armed and helpless victims in a "gun-free zone" murder spree, a chance to fight back with their hands.

Feinstein is saying that the restriction must be 10 rounds, New York says 10 and even 8 rounds is too much and it must be 7, California not wanting to be out-done is looking for an even lower number but they'll have to try and outdo New Jersey who says it should be 3, and Connecticut who wants it to only be 1 round!

What none of the gun banners are saying is the number they really want, and the number they're trying to get to eventually – which is ZERO! They see no need for guns and want a completely gun free America. But instead they try to divide gun owners in an attempt to conquer some and say, "I support the 2nd Amendment, BUT no one should be able to have more than __ rounds."

Magazine Capacity Myth Debunked

Here in this recent video, Sheriff Ken Campbell demonstrates that both experienced and inexperienced shooters can still fire the same about of rounds, and that banning normal capacity magazines (1) does not pass the common sense test, (2) it does not give un-armed victims a realistic chance to tackle a murderer, (3) but it does make it harder for civilians to defend themselves against a violent attack.

What Can You Do?

(1) Send 22 Emails With 2 Clicks

Both Ruger and Smith & Wesson have set up a website where you can send 11 pre-written letters by emails at once to your local and state representatives. Use both sites each week to send letters each week.
(2) Call Your State Reps Weekly

It'll take less than 1 minute per call and the message should be short and clear:
  • "Universal Background Checks are a fancy gun-ban term for total registration and then confiscation."
  • "All gun bans and restrictions have proven to fail to stop crime."
  • "We are watching you very closely on this issue and will send you home if you support any part of these proposed anti-gun bills."
Find your reps here: and save their phone numbers in your phone as Congress 1, 2, and 3 with their names so that they are easy to call. Be friendly and to the point.

(3) Send Personal Emails Too

Even with the automated email links above, I've been sending certain representatives custom written emails. I think it's important to send something that is personally written so that it gets read. You can address certain things they've said both good and bad, and of course remind them that you are strongly motivated, and vote specifically on this one issue of gun rights.

(4) Join the NRA

There is no group better when it comes to access and influence with Congress and gun rights, and numbers of NRA members matter. The media has been trying to demonize and mock the NRA, but membership is growing leaps and bounds.

Be a year member for only about $25 using a discount with this link.

(5) Spread the Word

Spread the word by passing this around to all your friends and encourage them to all do the same thing. We have the facts and the majority of people in our favor. We just need to speak up.

(6) Take Someone Shooting

It’s amazing how taking someone shooting inoculates them against the lies of gun-banners. The more people get into shooting and study self-defense, the more they realize how much they want to prepare to defend themselves, and how much the government gets in their way of doing so.

(7) Read and educate yourself on the subject.
The sources I used above are listed below. Check them out as well as more of my articles right here.

• Conn Lawmaker Pushes for Limits to ONE Round

• Pulitzer Prize winning playwright David Mamet: Why We Have Guns

• Free E-Book of Gun Facts

• Medved: Why Obama Hides Good News on Guns

Friday, March 1, 2013

"Universal Background Checks" & the High Moral Verbiage of Gun Banners

Right now gun banners are using devious marketing tactics to stake out the higher moral ground on the issue of gun bans, and they're using specific and nice sounding words to do it to appeal to the uninformed.

They are using words like “common sense,” “reasonable,” “compromise,” and “universal” when they describe any of their agendas to strip Americans of their civil rights that pre-date the creation of this country.

Listen, and you'll hear the gun banners say “common sense legislation” instead of massive gun bans, and they'll say “reasonable measures” in place of “registration and confiscation.”

They say that gun owners need to “compromise” and discuss their “reasonable and common sense” legislation, but in this case compromise doesn't mean that both sides get something, instead it means that gun owners are stripped of more civil rights and get nothing in return – not even safety or lower crime.

What's the Opposite of "Reasonable" & "Common Sense?"

If the gun banners are labeling themselves as the ones who are “reasonable” and having “common sense,” than that leaves us gun owners by default as the ones who must be un-reasonable and having no common sense. The gun banners feel it's their job to be our mom and to tell us what we can and can’t own, even if we haven't broken any laws, and even if more guns means less crime in society.

In their opinion, we are supposed to be grateful that they even “allow us to own anything at all, because they feel we shouldn't have any guns in today's world. The feel that it's through their generosity that we can even have some. The heads of the gun banner groups feel that the 2nd Amendment is an archaic idea written for frontier times by old, irrelevant, dead people, and it needs to be updated to coincide with their utopian, gun-free, modern society. In their perfect world, not even police would have guns, because they wouldn't need them if no one else had them.

To do that, they constantly stake out of the moral high ground as their way of dividing gun owners into separate and smaller groups that can be more easily conquered (ie. hunters vs. enthusiasts vs. collectors vs. self protection). If they can get some gun owners to agree and turn against themselves by agreeing to more restrictions, the gun banners win bit by bit.

But “Universal Background Check” Sounds Like a Good Thing

By labeling their gun registration and confiscation plan with an innocuous and vague term like “Universal Background Check,” they are in fact creating a box that they can put anything into, at any time. It will be a permanent system that they can grow as they'd like.

They can add to this system over time to further restrict and ban future ownership. If all guns must pass through the gun banner's UBC system, including the passing down of heirlooms, then future ownership can and will be squashed with future bans.

The News Doesn't Check Obama's "Facts"

The UBC may sound good when the news doesn’t check Obama’s grossly exaggerated figure that 40% of guns are sold privately, or his claim that it’s this so-called “loophole” that allows criminals to spend their hard-earned money on guns used in crime.

The truth is that private sale is not a loophole at all, but used to be the norm for hundreds of years until the gun banners created the current system. If anything, this is a concession that their past gun regulations didn't go far enough, and they want even private sales to go through their new system.

The 40% figure is a lie because private gun sales are really in the single digits, not to mention that most criminals don’t buy their guns from law-abiding citizens. Criminals may trade or buy guns from each other on a black market, but they steal them from law-abiding citizens.

The news doesn’t check Obama’s statement that our current background check system stopped 1.5 million people from getting guns, because the truth shows how failed the current system really is. The truth is that 94% of those rejected were errors, and the actual group of people that were prosecuted for trying to buy a gun illegally could all fit into your living room.

Most private gun sales are family gifts and heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation, and that infuriates gun banners. They want to know what guns you have, even if it’s an old shotgun inherited from your grandpa. They want to know about it, record it in a database, so that down the road they can demonize it in the news, and then come and take it from you.

Registration equals confiscation, but not for criminals.

All Gun Control Has Proven to Fail

Remember that all gun control of every kind has failed. President Clinton's decade long "Assault-Weapon's Ban" was a complete failure by all accounts on both sides. But the gun banners say it failed because they didn't go far enough or use "confiscation."

The truth is that gun control only prevents good people from having guns, and not criminals – because criminals will always break the law and will always have weapons and will always refuse registration.

Every time someone says, “We must do this, or criminals will get guns,” or “We must do that, or criminals will carry guns,” remember that criminals already have guns and already carry them.

All of the 20,000+ gun laws only stop law-abiding citizens from their inalienable right to keep and bear arms. Each law bit by bit, strips good people from their ability to keep (own) and bear (carry) guns – a civil right that we're supposed to have without infringement from the government.

Every gun law is another infringement that we've put up with, and this UBC seems to be the final line in the sand for many. Right now gun banners are fighting harder than they ever had, and we have to fight back harder than we ever have for our civil rights and our children's.

I believe that the gun banners are pushing for so much registration that they hope to wear us out and then come up with a “compromise” and get what they really want, “Universal Background Check.” They even admit that the UBC system will be toothless without registration, and registration is useless without confiscation.

But What if UBC Doesn't Have Registration?

Sometimes the gun banners will say in one news clip or another that the "Universal Background Check" system won't have registration, but then they admit that it will, or will be useless without it.

Remember that this is all a shell game to them to get support from the un-educated, and the media has been shown 8-to1 to be complicit in the anti-gun agenda and they don't question it. As another example of media bias, look at the media's portrayal of two very different rallies.

The gun banners will insist on full registration and a database kept of all firearms. The question is whether it goes into their original bill, gets slipped in at the end, or gets added after it passes because they'll say that UBC just isn’t reducing crime like they planned. (FYI - No gun ban law ever reduces crime.)

They know they need it, they’re just trying to gain support by dividing gun owners before they slip it in. The real question is what happens after Registration? And will we let it go that far?

Two Videos

In closing, here are two videos that stuck out to me this week. The first is only 6 minutes long, by an Ex Secret Service Agent. It is powerful and worth watching.

The second is about 25 minutes long on the repercussions of UBC, by NUTNFANCY.

Finally, What Can You Do?

(1) Send 22 Emails With 2 Clicks

Both Ruger and Smith & Wesson have set up a website where you can send 11 pre-written letters by emails at once. Instantly email your local and state representatives, your Attorney General, Governor and Lieutenant Governor, as well as the President and Vice President.

Use both sites each week to send letters each week. Don't worry about annoying them, that's the idea. We want them to be so sick of us, that they finally start to take us seriously. It is working too.
(2) Call Your State Reps Weekly

Keep it up. The calls and emails are working, but the gun banners are expecting us to get tired out. Continue to call your state reps every week for the next 8 or so weeks. It'll take less than 1 minute per call and the message should be short and clear:

  • "Universal Background Checks are a fancy gun-ban term for total registration and then confiscation."
  • "All gun bans and restrictions have proven to fail to stop crime."
  • "We are watching you very closely on this issue and will send you home if you support any part of these proposed anti-gun bills."
Find your reps here: and save their phone numbers in your phone as Congress 1, 2, and 3 with their names so that they are easy to call. Be friendly and to the point.

(3) Send Personal Emails Too

Even with the automated email links above, I've been sending certain representatives custom written emails. I think it's important to send something that is personally written so that it gets read. You can address certain things they've said both good and bad, and of course remind them that you are strongly motivated, and vote specifically on this one issue of gun rights.

(4) Join the NRA

There is no group better when it comes to access and influence with Congress and gun rights, and numbers of NRA members matter. The media has been trying to demonize and mock the NRA, but membership is growing leaps and bounds.

Be a year member for only about $25 using a discount with this link.

(5) Spread the Word

Spread the word by passing this around to all your friends and encourage them to all do the same thing. We have the facts and the majority of people in our favor. We just need to speak up.

(6) Take Someone Shooting

It’s amazing how taking someone shooting inoculates them against the lies of gun-banners. The more people get into shooting and study self-defense, the more they realize how much they want to prepare to defend themselves, and how much the government gets in their way of doing so.

(7) Read and educate yourself on the subject.
The sources I used above are listed below. Check them out as well as more of my articles right here.

• Free E-Book of Gun Facts

• Obama’s false numbers that 40% of guns are sold privately and the background check system stopped more than 1.5 million people from getting guns.

• Gun banners insist on total registration, and anything else is "toothless."

• Medved: Two Rallies, Two World Views