Wednesday, January 23, 2013

MORE You Can Do TODAY to Stop Gun Bans

We are making some great headway to the point where some news agencies are sharing actual facts, admitting that gun bans won’t reduce crime but do the opposite. And many national figures are admitting that they doubt Congress will be able to get all the new gun bans through. Nevertheless, they are still trying to get something, but will be stopped or slowed because of the flood of calls and emails by you and me.

It is not time to let up, but rather we need to step it up and overwhelm them with even more pro-gun responses. Since my last posting, there is even more we can do, and they are fairly easy and will take almost no time.

Don’t wait until our 2nd amendment rights are infringed upon even more before you do something. Don’t wait until more areas follow New York to ban every magazine you already own that holds more than 8 rounds. Nine rounds, not 30, is now considered illegal and horribly unsafe in New York. And when that doesn't stop crime, they will use some tragedy to advance their agenda to a new lower number, and on and on until they get to zero.

Take 5 minutes right now and send some emails and make some calls with these easy services below.

(1) Send 11 Emails With 1 Click

Ruger has set up a website where you can send 11 emails at once. Instantly email your local and state representatives, your Attorney General, Governor and Lieutenant Governor, as well as the President and Vice President.

Almost 700,000 people have already used this service in the last week. Use it yourself to send 11 emails right now, and continue to use this in conjunction with your weekly calls to your representatives. They have the letter already written, just type in your info and with your zip code, it'll automatically send the emails to the right people.

(2) Call Your State Reps Weekly

Continue to call your state reps every week for the next 8 or so weeks. It'll take less than 1 minute per call and the message should be short and clear:
"No new gun laws.
"Gun laws have proven to fail.
"We won't stand for scapegoating.
"Remove the phony 'gun free zones' which enable killers to go unchecked.
"We are watching you carefully on this issue. Work with us or we will work to send you home."
Find your reps here: and save their phone numbers in your phone as Congress 1, 2, and 3 with their names so that they are easy to call. Be friendly and to the point.

(3) Sign the Petition with Gun Appreciation Day

We had a huge turnout across the country for various events as part of the Gun Appreciation Day, but the 2nd Amendment Foundation is looking for 50 Million signatures on the petition as well. Go and sign it.

(4) Sign the Petition by the Salem Radio Network.

The US Concealed Carry and Salem Radio Network have been running a petition that's been doing well. Help boost the numbers of signatures on it by signing it.

(5) Join the NRA.

There is no group better when it comes to access and influence with Congress and gun rights, and numbers of NRA members matter. The media has done all it can to demonize and marginalize the NRA lately, but membership is growing still.

There are an estimated 90-150 million gun owners in America. There are sadly only 4 million members of the NRA. Don't be someone that is riding for free in the wagon, help pull the wagon.

- Be a year member for only about $25 using a discount with this link.
- Be a LIFE member for only $300 (normally $1000) by calling this number 888-678-7894. This is a special number set up for listeners of Gun Talk radio, and already as of last night, 4,807 people have signed up.

(6) Spread the Word

Spread the word by passing this around to all your friends and encourage them to all do the same thing. We have the facts and the majority of people in our favor. We just need to speak up.

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